"Quanta...like spit in the dust of a baseball field" - Cody

October 06, 2003

Yours Truly, Political Insider

It's here! The day has finally come. After all these years of paying attention to the issues, of fearlessly voicing my opinion and working for the common good, I have finally broke into the political establishment.

Over the past several days, I've fielded phone calls from Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and even Jesse Jackson. I'm assuming I missed Diane's call. But why wouldn't she just leave a voice mail? It must be too important for that. I'm sure she just wants to speak to me in person.

I know you're all counting on somehow making the most of our friendship and acquaintance, but I have to say that I'm firmly against political favors, and so don't expect me to drop a pound of pork in your lap now that I'm down with the big heavies.

Yours truly,

Political Insider Cody Sisco
"Working it from the inside--out"

Posted by cbsisco at October 6, 2003 07:43 PM

I don't know if I trust a political insider who isn't willing to drop pork... I love pork. My problem is that it's just so hard to decide if I like regular bacon or Canadian bacon better...

Posted by: Kristina at October 7, 2003 01:04 AM